How to play the drum track for Don’t Stop Believing (Part 2)
In Part 1, I mentioned that the drum groove throughout this track is played in a open position. Check back on Part 1 to get a recap and download the exercise.
In Part 2 here, we’re delving into the groove and looking at the first groove that appears in the song.
The groove is a 2 bar pattern and when we start looking at it, you’ll see why it’s really important that it’s played in an open position.
The right-hand is playing a melody on the drum kit while the left hand is playing constant 8th notes on the hi-hats.
Click here to download the notes for the groove
This video explains the groove
In part 3, we’re going to look at the second groove that appears in the track so keep checking back for part 3.
Until then, have fun with part 2